Over si svoju registráciu na RZB 2016 / Check your registration for RZB 2016


v sekcii Registrácia sme pridali link na zoznam registrovaných účastníkov. Ak ste zaplatili a my sme to nezaevidovali do týždňa, dajte nám vedieť. Na uskutočnenie platby máte 10 pracovných dní, potom sa miesto uvoľní pre ďalšieho záujemcu. Ak máte otázky, pokojne nám napíšte.

Do videnia v Karpatoch!

Dear friends,

we have included a list of registered participants on our website in the section Registration. If you had paid and we have not recognized your payment after a week or more just let us know. You have 10 working days to finish your registration by paying the enrollment fee. After this perios your reserved place will be passed onto the next participant. In case of further question feel free to ask.

See you soon in the Carpathians!

RZB 2016 hlási 25% limitu účastníkov naplnených za 24 hodín

STORIESS potešením môžeme konštatovať, že Rýchlik Zoška – Bratislava 2016 hlási 25% limitu účastníkov naplnených za 24 hodín (maximum je 280 účastníkov). Nie je to ako Oravaman alebo Malofatranská stovka, ale je to krásne potvrdenie, že naša robota nie je zbytočná. To je jeden z momentov, pre ktoré sa to oplatí. ĎAKUJEME!

Tím RZB 🙂

#rzb2016 #tuzacinaultratrail #herebeginstheultratrail

More than 25% of participant enrolled within 24 hours

We are pleased that a number of participants have apparently been waiting for the registration opening. We have exceeded 25% of the maximum quota (which is 280 people) in 24 hours since announcement. Not exactly as some of the most popular races in Slovakia or around the world but good enough to make us happy and thankful. This is one the moments when the whole effort seems to be finally making sence!

Many thanks!

RZB Team

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